

On the Cheap

I just love shopping.  It's called retail therapy and I'm addicted. Many times I stroll through the store looking, touching, wishing....but really have no desire to purchase unless it's something really, really special.  I've come across two of those items lately.  Two items that I simply could not go home without.

I often frequent stores like Marshall's, TJ Max and the like.  You know, designer items at bargain prices?  A new store opened up recently in Fort Collins called HomeGoods.  I'm sure you've heard of this one, too.  I know it mostly from that really happy guy on HGTV, David.  He does the cool paintings and redoes the whole room for a family.  Color something........

Anyhoo....I just love perusing these stores for my latest must-have.  Here they are:

Very current...chevron is outrageously popular right now and HomeGoods had burnt orange, lime green, grass green, brown, red.....I had to have the green.  Even better, when I got home I discovered that it matched my rug to perfection.

Number two was just purchased this last weekend at Marshalls.  Too adorable and only $4.99.  Really!!??  For under $5 I could have this adorable owl?  Did you notice that it matches my new chevron throw and the rug? 

I have learned that when you're decorating a home or a room to take your time.  You can't just go out to the store one day and buy everything you need.  These creative, decorative goodies must be acquired one at a time.  If you follow this strategy you'll end up with a room that is dressed with treasures, not just things that match.

Happy Decor!

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